Monday, September 30, 2013

What's In My Bag: Daytripping

     It's time for another round of "What's In My Bag", and we're talking about day-trip necessities;or mine, anyways. I tend to over-pack in every situation, especially when I'm going to be away from home, but I've condensed my load for efficient and happy traveling. Let's begin!
1//Reading Material: If I'm going to be a passenger, I like to bring some reading material to keep me entertained. I keep it light with my favorite magazine because reading an actual book on the road tends to make me a bit carsick; don't ask me how I got lucky enough for that reality.
2//Music: Whether it's just background noise or the roaring soundtrack to your travels, music is a must when on the road. I recommend using an iPod for variety, but also a back-up CD just in case the mp3 player would die. Personally, I enjoy a good mix-CD anyday. 
3//Field Notes: I am a big fan of carrying a notepad and pen around on a regular basis. If I didn't, any post ideas or to-do lists would be completely forgotten in the hustle and bustle of my day. This is no different while traveling. I like to jot down places I'd like to visit, be it shops or restaurants, and also song lyrics or other inspiration I might catch during a trip; anything!
4// Camera: I don't think I need to explain why I bring this item along with me. Everywhere. All of the time.
5// Sunnies: Even if it's cloudy on the morning you leave for a day trip, bring your sunglasses. Just do it. There is nothing worse than being stuck driving or walking about with the sun in your eyes.
6//Misc. Traveling can take a lot out of a person, so I like to bring my makeup bag along to keep a few extra things handy. This usually includes some face powder, mascara, chapstick, Tylenol, toiletry items, and even carsick bracelets just in case. Keeping them in a separate compartment or bag is SUPER helpful. I got this cute little pouch for just a dollar at Target.
7// Wallet and Change: Bringing your wallet with you is kind of a give-in, but carrying change during a roadtrip is key, mostly to be prepared for meter parking. I also recommend having cash, even if you're strictly a card user, as some places are indeed cash only.
8//Scent:  This one might just be a personal favorite, but I like to bring on any trip. Having a travel-size perfume roller or hand lotion keeps me from feeling totally gross after being on the road all day.
There you have it, my travel bag musts. What kind of things can you simply not go without on the road?
Until next time,

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