
Monday, December 8, 2014

The Windy City

Andy and I are back in Ohio after a  mid-week trip to Chicago. The windy city was everything I thought it would be, busy and full of life, and I am already craving another trip to further explore the area.
We, of course, visited "The Bean"; afterwards, walking all around The Loop. The constant buzz and pulse of Chicago was reminiscent of my year in Cleveland, and immediately made me feel at home.
(Native Foods, Stan's Donuts, and My Pie)
Gratuitous pictures of all the vacation-food goodness. Chicago deep-dish forever and always.
The main reason for the untimely trip was to see my dear Manchester Orchestra perform songs from their recent release, Hope. It was a completely acoustic, striped down set, made even more intimate by the size of the venue. See them if you ever get the chance, you won't be sorry.
Andy and I also made it a point to see Frank Lloyd Wright's home and gallery, opting for the self-guided tours that offers sights of all the homes on his block that he designed. His work is astounding, and timeless; full of details from other cultures, while maintaining functionality for the inhabitants. I fell in love with Wright after seeing the famous Falling Waters property, and I am hoping to explore his work further in other trips to come.
 It's been back to reality for the couple days, getting the apartment back in order and washing endless loads of laundry. I start a new job tomorrow that has me in a silent panic; being back on the bottom of a new totem pole, with no clue on how anything works. It's come a good time, and everyone I've met at the office seems extremely personable. I'm forever worrying over nothing.
Until next time,


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