
Monday, December 1, 2014

Recipe: Roasted Brussel Sprout and Kale Salad

     Obviously, Thanksgiving brings visions of turkey (or in my case, Tofurky), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie; you know, the classics. These are always staples at my family's holiday dinner, but this year the unexpected star of our tablescape was this roasted brussel sprout and kale salad. 
     I know what you're thinking; a salad? But, this is not your average, boring ice burg and ranch dressing salad. We're talking hearty, crunchy, cheesy deliciousness. This leafy bowl of wonder has the substance and flavor of a side dish. I'm already planning on making it again (and again and again and again). Here's the scoop:
Salad Ingredients:
Leafy Kale
One package of brussel sprouts
Half of a large red onion or a whole small one
Half of a large green apple or a whole small one
A hand full of toasted almonds, chopped
A hand full of feta cheese 
A hand full of dried cranberries

Dressing Ingredients:
 Apple Cider Vinegar
Olive oil
fresh garlic
lemon zest
 lemon juice
all-purpose seasoning (like Mrs. Dash)
     1. Rinse a package of brussel sprouts, and quarter them before placing on a baking sheet with a good amount of olive oil, juice from half a lemon, salt, and pepper. Roast them in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, or until they begin to char slightly. Once the sprouts are done cooking, leave them to cool completely while you finish the rest of the salad. (You could even roast/cool the brussel sprouts the night before as a time saver!)
2. Chopped your kale, onion, and apple, and add them to a large bowl with your cooled, roasted brussel sprouts.
3. Mix up your dressing, and pour over your salad ingredients. I'll be honest, we didn't measure anything out for the dressing; woops. A general rule is to use a 2:1  oil to vinegar ratio, but just let your taste buds be the judge with the rest! Let your dressing marinade the ingredients in the fridge until your ready to serve.
4. Finish by adding the chopped almonds, feta, and cranberries to the other ingredients, toss until the toppings are evenly distributed, and serve!
     The flavors in this salad complimented all of our Thanksgiving favorites perfectly, but is something that can be made anytime of the year. The leafy kale and brussel sprouts really hold up to the tangy, slightly sweet dressing, giving this salad more flavor the longer it sits; making it perfect as a make-ahead dish that you can munch on all week. Plus, it totally cancels out all of the other buttery, creamy dishes you indulged in because HEALTH. 
Happy cooking!

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