
Monday, June 15, 2015

Beauty: The Skin Detox (Featuring Batty's Bath)

My skin has been through a lot in the last few years. I had pretty terrible acne in my second half of high school and into college, but experienced relief for a while after that. However, this past year brought it back full force. I attempted to go back to the products I had been using when my skin cleared up, hoping they would work for me again, but they did not. My skin seemed to develop a sensitivity to the benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid which were once helpful. So, I searched for all-natural products to keep my redness and blemishes at bay. 
I ended up finding a few cleansers and masks that kept me relatively clear, but my face would feel dry and dull at times. I was fighting the acne, but I traded it for dull, tight skin instead. I began researching Accutane, thinking that the medication was the only thing I hadn't tried and my final resort. Reading about all of the side effects and precautions you have to take while on the medication scared the crap out of me, But I was at a point where I was basically willing to try anything.
However, the course of my skin took a different turn, I was catching up on a few posts from the bloggers that I follow one evening, and I saw an ad for Batty's Bath on The Dainty Squid's blog. The ad was for natural skincare, and my curiosity got the best of me. Clicking that link just to check it out turned into hours of reading reviews and watching shop owner, "Batty", talk about natural skincare. It all seemed too good to be true, but nobody who had tried/reviewed Batty's products had anything negative to say. They raved about the struggles of trying everything before finding her line, and how it changed their skin. I figured there was no harm in trying one last time to maintain healthy skin the natural way. 
I ordered The Detox Kit, which is what Batty suggests everyone begin with. The kit promises to act as a "re-set" button for the skin; removing built-up residue and bacteria from cleansers and make-up. I could tell this was something special from the very first use. The kit includes cold-pressed charcoal soap, a jojoba facial scrub, a moisturizer, and a clay mask, plus instructions on what products to use for your morning and evening routine. My face feels cleaner than it ever has before, without feeling dry or tight. It's as if I finally have some balance. I notice my complexion clearing more everyday, and that I can actually see my skin-tone rather than just redness.  You can see my results so far below; and please ignore my resting bitch face.
Week one
Week four
I plan on moving on to Batty's Acne-Prone kit once I finish my detox, as well as the mineral make-up they offer. Batty's Bath includes a full range of problem-specific products, so you can customize your own routine to match your skin's needs. This has been a long-time coming to find something so gentle and effective on my skin, and it feels so good to be using chemical-free products. To learn more about Batty's brand, head here!


  1. I'm over the moon to hear that when you were ready to give up you found some relief!! And it's totally made my day to hear that it was BB products that helped!!!
    Thank you so so so much for spreading the word about my little company!
    I truly appreciate all your support!
    <3 batty

    1. I'm happy to support it! Thank you for all you do for troublesome skin. Your products have changed the way I approach skincare, and I'm excited to further explore the brand.

  2. lovely post! nice blog. following you dear!
