
Monday, March 16, 2015

Outfit: The Hardest Button to Button

     The sun is finally shining again here in dismal, ol' Ohio. It's breathing the desire to be outside with my camera in hand back into me, and it feels really refreshing. It's amazing what a little vitamin D will do for a girl's attitude. The weather, along with my new-ish job have really played major roles in getting my mind back on blogging. I really lost my love of putting posts together to share on Rags and Roses this year. For a while it just seemed very pointless and juvenile, almost. My job had a lot to do with that, as it is a very (VERY) professional environment, with little room for creativity. Going into an atmosphere like that day after day made me feel like the odd one out. I mean, here I am: a twenty-one year-old aspiring blogger and business-owner with tattoos, a nose ring, and no college degree; my credentials don't exactly scream "career in finance". 
     However, I am realizing now that I am not my job. There is a lot to be learned in the position I have now, and I know that it will be useful for me throughout my life. But, it does not define me as a person. Blogging is important to me. It's important to my self-esteem, my creativity, and my sanity; especially as I try to conquer my new field of work. It's not a stupid hobby, no matter how embarrassed I often get from explaining it to other people. It is a part of who I am and who I want to be. Which is why I'm making it a point to work it back into my daily life; not necessarily by cramming out post after post, but just taking time to live creatively. That is what feels right to me.
     With that being said, I think it's time for a few more episodes of Portlandia and sweat pants. K, bye!
Outfit Details:
Dress and shoes- Forever 21
Sunglasses- Gabriel Brothers
Bag and bee ring- TJ Maxx
Trench, necklace, and stone ring- Thrifted



  1. simple and stylish at the same time!

    loving it,


    1. Thanks so much! I'm finding less is definitely more :)

  2. Replies
    1. That's very kind. Thanks for checking out the post <3

  3. "my job does not define as a person" This is why I love you, girl. Please remind me of this on Saturday.

    1. I'll try my best. It gets harder to remember everyday! But, having you there to suffer with makes it way better :)
