
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bits and Pieces

     Forgive me, bloggers. For I have sinned. It has been nearly a month since my last post. Ugh. Time has been slipping away from me in between unpacking and trying to make our new place a home. This in no way counts as an "apartment tour", but these snapshots are the only areas of our apartment that are in order. We had a couple of minor setbacks during our move, like our couch not fitting through our hallway. We've been lounging on couch cushions and kitchen chairs, in the meantime. The unexpected kinks in settling in are at best giving Andy and I some great "our first apartment" stories.      My posting will most likely become a bit sporadic, as we're not planning on getting internet until after the holidays, and a general feeling of "I don't wanna". I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, and develop a new routine, but its proving to be a bit difficult. So, for now, I'm just trying to breath. Andy and I will be leaving for Chicago to see Manchester Orchestra in a few short weeks, so at least there is that to look forward to; among other things, I'm sure!

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